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Counselling is an opportunity to talk with a trained professional about what's going on in your life, what's worrying you and what you are feeling. As a counsellor I'm there to listen to you, not judge you. To hear what you are saying and what you're not. To sit with you in your stuckness and in your distress. To be there with you, supporting you to navigate your way from where you are to where you want to be.

I wish I could say it will be easy but the truth is, that therapy is hard work. It requires committment and courage. It's not easy but my own personal experience of being a client as well as a counsellor is that it's worth it.

It's important to choose a counsellor that feels right for you. With the right counsellor you should feel safe, as you get to know them, to take what may feel like a risk but to share the stuff that feels uncomfortable. That's not to say it won't feel scary and it may not happen straight away but with the right counsellor you should feel safe and protected even if your experiences in the past have been scary and unsafe. I will work with you, listening sensitively to your experiences, believing you and how you feel. Supporting you to look after your mental health and wellbeing and through taking care of yourself to start to really act with love and kindness to yourself.

Counselling is a therapeutic approach that draws on various theories to explain how people's experiences lead to behaviours, feelings and thoughts about others and themselves. Some counsellors specialise in one particular theory or approach and others blend theories. My experience has shown me how unique and different every person is and so my approach is to integrate different approaches to find what is right for each person.  Although the theory I use may change from client to client, what doesn't change is my belief that human beings need to feel safe, they need to feel valued and appreciated for who they are not who they think they should be.

I use a trauma informed approach to create a safe base, where trust can be built, where feelings can be expressed as they are felt, not in some perfect language but in a way that they stumble, fall, flow out.


The 'how' of therapy, the 'how' of living, the 'how' we relate and respond to others, matters.

I know that compassion and whole hearted living and relating are principle to 'how' I choose to live and work and 'how' I will support you. Whole hearted means to me; being in the present, really being connected to who I'm with, my surroundings and the life I am living. In counselling I offer this to you through putting aside what's gone before and being there for you, really listening and supporting you to work towards whole heartedly living your own life, in the way that feels right for you.























Helping you to make an informed decision...

Counselling sessions last for 50 minutes and are normally held on a weekly basis. I offer a free 30 minute consultation, online or on the phone so you can ask any questions that you have and to talk about what's going on for you and what's brought you to counselling. This first  30 minute session is an opportunity for you to learn more about me and how I work and to decide if I'm the right counsellor for you. After this first consultation if you would like to move forward with  counselling we will look together for a mutually convenient time for sessions to start. Counselling sessions are normally offered at the same time each week on a weekly basis. Sessions can be held in person, online or on the phone. I offer in person sessions from therapy rooms in various locations across Wiltshire.


How much will it cost and how many sessions will I need...

 I offer a free 30 minute consultation session to help you decide if I am the right counsellor for you and for you to ask any questions. Following on from this, counselling sessions are charged at £45-50 per hour, dependent on location. Payment for sessions is required 48 hours your appointment by BACS. We can agree a number of sessions to start with in your first appointment. Everyone is  different so there is no set answer to how many sessions you may need but we would normally agree to an initial 6 sessions and then you can decide from there.



"Shame dies when stories are told in safe places."
Ann Voskamp

Like counselling, coaching is a chance to carve out time and space for yourself to think about where you are at in life and what you want. Although the past has an influence on where you find yourself, coaching is all about your future.  Sometimes in life we can feel stuck and not sure how to move on.


Through coaching we can spend time looking at:


What's stopping you  living the life you want?
What are the barriers that you are yet to leap?
What do you need to move forward?


How long is a coaching session

Coaching sessions typically last 50 minutes but we can make a plan bespoke to your needs.  Can't take out a whole hour from your busy day, why not opt for 30 minute connect session?

What is a coaching session like?

In the first coaching session we will agree a contract of how we want to work together. This will include how many sessions you want,  what time works for you and where you want the sessions to happen.  The 'how' we will work is just as important as the where and when so we will also look at what you need from me and what your expectations are. 

I will ask questions to help me understand more about you and how you experience the world. I'm there to really listen to what you have to say. To listen to not just what you say but how you say it. To listen for what you're saying and what you're not. I'm listening to what your voice is saying and what your body is communicating. All of these things help me to get a better picture of you.  

Coaching can help you see a way forward when you feel stuck, by supporting you to access your inner resources of strength, resilience and playfulness. By better understanding yourself and how you experience the world around you, you will feel better equipped to make decisions about your life that feel right for you.

How much does it cost?

Each session will cost £45-50 which is payable 48 hours before or the session. I offer a free 30 minute consultation appointment online or on the phone  to find out about you and what you are hoping to get out of the sessions and for you to ask any questions you have. If you would like to move forward with the coaching sessions we will look for a time that works for you and arrange our first session. We will agree on an initial number of sessions to start off with which will be based on what you would like to work on and go from there.




"As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my truth. Today, I know, this is authenticity."

Charlie Chaplin


Have you ever found yourself so worn down by the challenges that life brings that you find yourself unable to focus on the task at hand? Suddenly you realise that you've been staring at the same over flowing inbox for ten minutes and not got any further with that piece of work that needed to go out yesterday? You know you need to focus but with so many things on the to-do list it's almost impossible to focus on the task at hand?

Caught up in the whirlwind of everyday life, you're surviving day to day, task by task. Your head hurts with the weight of the day ahead and you body feels tired. You joke that you are entirely fueled by caffeine but inside you're so exhausted that you just want to sit down and cry.

Human beings are not bottomless containers where you can keep on piling on the stresses without letting anything out. If you keep adding to your to-do list without ticking anything off, then at some point you're going to burn out. You may already be less effective than you were before because despite saying you're on top of things, infact the more you do, the less you have left in the tank.

You many have noticed the effects of this in your workforce, in your colleagues or in yourself? The current climate of never ending disasters and change that every human on this planet has experienced in one way or another over the past few years has added to the weight on all our shoulders and become part of the fabric of our new normals. Employers are being required to offer hybrid ways of working to retain employees who post pandemic want to continue to work from home or value the flexibility and balance this can bring to their lives. In pursuit of work life balance, has your office or work place lost some of it's sense of community or vibrancy? Do your staff seem less united as a team, making team meetings a struggle with some employees turning off their cameras to save bandwidth or continuing to answer emails whilst another employee is giving a presentation? Although technology has given us new ways of coming together and offered flexible options to connect with people all over the world, it has also brought with it a plague of disconnection.

People have stopped really listening to each other. We are all so used to multi tasking that we've forgotton how to be fully present and connected with each other.

Whether it's your colleague doing their online shop, whilst you're trying to do a team update or you trying to answer work emails when your meant to be watching your child's football game. We've all got so used to doing so many things at the same time that we've forgotton how to just be together. 

You may have noticed that your team has lost their focus, that conversations are stilted? People seem stressed, over worked and wrung out? The weekends don't seem long enough and when people return to work they're still tired, less productive and distracted from each other. None of this makes for an effective environment for growth or development. But there is an answer...




NLP or Neuro linguistic programming


Living whole heartedly is not just about going to therapy when things get rough but actively looking after yourself and those you care about the rest of the time. If you pay into your wellbeing by actively looking after yourself now then you can build resilience, strength and flexibility to support you through the tougher times. At heartspace I offer this to you through regular blogs on supporting your mental health and developing self-awareness. I think the more you understand about yourself; your thoughts, choices, beliefs, behaviours and feelings then the more able you will be to make choices that feel right for you.  If you are interested in finding out more about supporting your wellbeing through 1:1 or group work get in touch or watch this space.

"Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
Mary Oliver


Get in touch today 


07719 930321

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

9:00 am – 8:00 pm

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